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Writer's pictureEllen Pace

How Not To Fail Choosing A Tech Stack

Updated: Dec 7, 2021

5 Tips On How To Choose A Technology Stack

There is a great way to find out how robust your development will be without seeing a single line of code. For an experienced engineer, it will be enough to know what technologies you use. New dev tools are expanding the market every year, but are you worth chasing trends? Today, we offer you to discover more tech stack. JEVERA has gathered all that each business representative should know about it. So, let's see what came of it.

What Is A Tech Stack: Basics

What is a technology stack?

Definition: A tech stack is a multi-layered set of all tools, like databases, programming languages, frameworks, libraries, etc., used to develop software products.

It's time to reveal the secret of how easy it is to predict the success of development without seeing the code. It is only necessary to analyze the peculiarities of core technologies. Each of them has pros and cons that undoubtedly affect the result. For example, if you want to use C++ as a programming language, get ready for possible security issues and the complexity of updates.

LAMP Technology Stack

Structure: Any tech stack consists of at least 4 parts: operating system, web server, database, programming language. They tune in to each other. Let's consider LAMP - one of the long-lived tech stacks:

  • Operating system - Linux

  • Web server - Apache

  • Database - My SQL

  • Programming language - PHP

Tech stack meaning

You have already understood the tech stack value is hard to exaggerate. It is like a skeleton of the future product that defines its:

  • operating;

  • scalability;

  • flexibility;

  • safety;

  • way of data storage;

  • maintenance, etc.

Moreover, a technical stack influences the speed of engineering team selection. For instance, finding specialists in legacy technologies like Perl or Go is extremely difficult. Moreover, such an engineer's services will be so costly. The same concerns specialists proficient in several new technologies at the same time.

What Are Different Technology Stacks?

Choosing a tech stack requires deep knowledge of your business purpose, internal corporate assets, and choice options you have. We suggest starting with the latter. Conventionally, we can divide a tech stack into frontend (client-side) and backend (server-side) parts. But several ready-made models apply to the entire development in one piece.

Let's consider the TOP 6 the most popular complex technology stack examples.

Most Popular Complex Technology Stacks

How To Choose Technology Stack In The Right Way

#1 Decide on future development features

To choose the appropriate stack, you need to build the product architecture and determine what tasks it will perform. Choose tools that help you during the development cycle, provide effortless product maintenance and business goal achievement.

#2 Think about the frontend first

Since the tech stack has a layered structure, think about core programming languages first and then - about additional toolkits. As a product success directly depends on user experience, start by defining a frontend stack and end with the backend one.

#3 Choose reliability

If you have a choice: new technology that no one fully understands or a time-tested tool - choose the latter.

#4 Don’t forget about integrations

You need a stack where each tool works flawlessly in conjunction with the rest. Try to create a capsule with reliable and modern technology.

# 5 Follow the trends

Sure, the tools are worth choosing based on business needs and reliability. But do not forget about the opportunities new technologies open up. If you are confident that you can provide an expert approach using a new instrument - do it without doubts.

What Tech Stack Does JEVERA Use?

JEVERA Technology Stack

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