Legacy migration is not only about software. It’s about moving towards a sustainable future. By sharing ideas of support, help, and responsible consumption, we can build communities ready to change the world around us. ESG turned into something more than three letters, it turned into corporate culture.
of leaders in the C-suite are female
of women in the delivery department
of female software engineers
#SupportUkraine CAMPAIGN
Each donation is priceless and will be used to help those in need.
JEVERA was born in Chernihiv and has a main R&D center there. In 2022, the city became a hot spot for the russian invasion. Chernihiv was suffering from heavy bombs. Schools, civil buildings, and governmental institutions got destroyed or seriously damaged. People were forced to flee.
We launched our #SupportUkraine donation campaign to raise funds for humanitarian aid and equipment needed by Chernihiv's local civil community, the Armed Forces, and Territorial Defence troops.
Check out more details about the campaign here.
The war ends one day. Both the government and businesses have started rebuilding the city because life must go on. JEVERA continues raising donations for its hometown's resurrection. Join us!

After February 24th, 2022, the word "volunteer" gained a new meaning for us. It's not someone there. It's someone here. It's you. Everyone became volunteers who balance between developing software, paying taxes, supporting the economy, and helping those in need. We thank the whole world for its support. We thank YOU.
Anna Tyschenko
CEO @ JEVERA Software
In the spring of 2022, NGOs and individual volunteers from our hometown Chernihiv requested help. They needed software capable of improving the working conditions of volunteers who face struggles with ordering and delivering aid daily.
The NGOs needed a technological partner to help[ them in the realization of software aimed to kill their day-to-day pains.
We couldn't abandon it because each of the team is a volunteer in one way or another and understands what NGOs struggle with.

The project was called "United by Idea" (UBI). It helped non-governmental organizations, volunteers, and software developers jointly create a solution for volunteer activity optimization. The digital workplace offers a flexible approach to selecting suppliers and donors, builds transparent business processes, and minimizes bureaucracy.
Inspired by the experience of Swedish blood donation centers we suggested the Kyiv City Blood Center a notification software solution notifying the donors when their blood type runs out of the Center's stock.
The Blood Center had a problem - each time a specific blood type started lacking, the organization had to send SMS notifications to every donor in the database. Unfortunately, there was no guarantee that donors of that specific blood type would show up. Stocks of that blood type remained low when those of other types were in excess. The JEVERA team offered a solution to optimize the process.
In compliance with policies, we couldn't have access to personal data. The system processed only the phone number of a donor and the date of the last donation. Our team developed a module that allowed the Blood Center staff to launch a notification campaign and send messages only to holders of a specific blood type after 60 days of their last donation. The system optimized the process of notifying donors, helped the Center's staff create blood donation schedules for specific blood types, and predict potential stock runs outs.

I'm confident that every business regardless of its size or turnover should be socially responsible. If you can help others, and do something good for your community, you definitely should. Even small things can be meaningful for someone out there. I'm happy when my values reflect in the company's culture because business is not only about making money but about helping and caring.
Oleksander Bonert
Tech Team Lead

The youth is the tech industry's future and will lead innovations in various sectors in the next 5-10 years. The next generation of software engineers usually doesn't see the industry as it is. They have only a helicopter view and need some support in understanding IT today to drive innovations tomorrow.
In cooperation with the Chernihiv Polytechnic National University (CPNU), the Chernihiv.IT Cluster launched the 'ProsvITa' educational program in 2018. The students could dive deeper into the industry and peek behind the scenes of software development within the program. JEVERA is one of the cluster's members who actively support the initiative.

We joined the program in 2019 to build a strong local community of tech-savvy youth in our hometown. Our C-suite, project managers, solution architects, business analysts, and marketers attended dedicated offline meetups and webinars as speakers and share their experiences with the students of CPNU.

Knowledge is power. And the more you know, the more powerful you are. We started working on the ProsvITa project to improve the level and quality of education in Chernihiv and show young people the tech industry as it is because their perception of the domain often differs from reality. This will help them to find THEIR jobs in the future.
Julia Dayneko
According to the PWC audit, each Ukrainian produces 230-300 kilograms of rubbish. Even relatively small actions can positively change the situation. JEVERA is a team of responsible people who try to minimize their impact on the environment. This might be quite difficult without support and motivation. For this reason, we joined the 'Green Office' project developed by the NGO 'Eco Misto' for members of the Chernihiv IT cluster.
The incredible people from 'Eco Misto' audited our R&D center in Chernihiv to identify weak points and teach us how to sort waste properly. The NGO organized meetups for participants to outline the current waste management situation in the city, talk about the importance of proper sorting and recycling, and give useful tips. Their dedication motivated us to pay more attention to the waste we produce.
Within the project, our teams in Chernihiv and Kyiv sorted 4 types of plastic: Tetra Pak, cardboard, non-liquid plastic, and paper. Activists from "Plastic Fantastic" and the sorting station "Supersorters" helped us with recycling. Sorting and recycling became a good habit not only in our offices but in the households of our employees. The world is getting better!
In 2021, JEVERA got a new brand voice, colors, and new slogan to show that migration is not about software only.
Before making such a transformation, we dove deep into our history and analyzed what we have been doing all these 11+ years. And we understood that we have been helping our clients to migrate their digital landscape to a better future. But we believe migration is not only about software.
Migration is about transforming into something better, changing the world around us, and helping others. So, this year we decided to support a person who looked for a better future and needed some help. JEVERA has established the annual JEVERA Scholarship because knowledge is one of the key drivers of transformation.
We became partners with the University of the Third Age because of our similar values and the desire to support those who want to move ahead, change, and grow.

I believe that it's all in our hands, and by our actions today, we create a better tomorrow. If you have an opportunity to help someone, simply do so.

I've always been a very active person, and I wanted to stay active even being retired. Thank you!

Meet Mrs. Olena Kvita.
She wants to start her student career once again in 70. Just like JEVERA, Olena forges ahead and strives to develop, therefore we decided to help.
In 2021, we decided not to make traditional holiday presents for our customers and partners. Instead, spend finances to support Olena Kvita, who tends to grow but can't afford it.
We award her with the JEVERA Scholarship. Mrs. Kvita loves to study psychology, computer science, and culture. In 2022, Olena graduated from the University of the Third Age (for students 65+) Proton with YOUR help.
The University helps over 2 000 students to stay active, and learn something new, and what’s even more important: they don’t feel lonely in the modern world of technology.
All the JEVERA team would like to thank YOU for your support. With projects we've made together, we can not only help YOUR companies migrate to the future but also support individuals who are changing their lives for the better.